Thursday, January 14, 2010

900th Post Giveaway ! ! !

is having a giveaway to celebrate her 900th post!
Visit her blog to put your name in the hat for a cute
zippered pouch from Etsy!
I picked the cupcake pouch!
Congratulations, Paula on your 900th post!
I love you and your blog!


  1. It was so neat to meet Paula a while back when she visited her family here on the East Coast. I got a call from her and snuck out to Panera Bread and found her sitting with her pretty pink laptop.

    Blogging is such a fun way to make new you, Carol.

    If you ever get to Lancaster County...

    Becky K.

  2. Wow Carol! I can't even imagine 900 posts! Thanks for the tip! I hope you are staying warm! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  3. I enjoy your Blog, Carol, perhaps because I enjoy hearing about Okla - my home state...Thanks for stopping by my Blog to celebrate with me!
