Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm Dreaming Of A . . .

White Christmas . . .

Yes, this may be the first Christmas in several
years that we have snow!
The weather forecast is predicting snow on
Christmas Eve.
I've always thought it would be wonderful
to live somewhere that has snow
for Christmas every year.

past snow scene from NE Oklahoma
'May your days be merry and bright.
And may all your Christmases be white."


  1. Wishing some pretty white snow for you...
    Merry Christmas!

    Becky K.

  2. Hope you have a white Christmas. Be sure to take photos for us here in the south.

  3. I'm keeping my fingers crossed too.

    Several years ago our family came from Texas and we had heavy ice while they were here. They were stuck here for several extra days. That might have been about 2001 or 2002...anyway...we are keeping the snow possibilities a secret from them. :)

    Merry Christmas to your sweet family.

  4. I've heard there might be snow in the state. We might get a few flurries but not much expected here. I'll hope you get some snow for Christmas!♥

  5. Hi Carol! How much fun! They were talking snow here..but changed to rain...:-( Oh, well! Here in the South, we are lucky to get snow whenever it comes! Have a very Merry Christmas with your precious family!...hugs...Debbie

  6. We may get it here in Arkansas to.
    Merry White Christmas to you.

  7. I just popped over to wish you and your family a very Merry christmas and Happy New Year. I'm sending ton's of blessings your way ♥

  8. tonights forecast still looks like snow is possible for Christmas
    and snow is fine with me, as long as the roads don't get bad.

    so let's wish for both - snow and good roads!

  9. Wishing you and your family a white and wonderful Chirstmas!

  10. We NEVER have snow! But there has been some 80+ degree weather some years....I don't like that!
