Monday, December 14, 2009

Do You Have A Favorite ? ? ?

I love Christmas movies!
I have a difficult time picking a favorite.

I love the whole story line of this one,
plus Jimmy Stewart is one of my favorite
old school actors.
I love musicals.
White Christmas is my favorite
over Holiday Inn.

This movie is so funny.
Can you imagine leaving your child
behind as you jet off to a
Christmas vacation in France?

Oh Clark!
You & your Christmas light display!
My hubby loves this one!!

And last but not least!
Ralphie, you'll shoot your eye out!

Do you have a favorite?


  1. Oh White Christmas and I just bought it too!!!!

  2. Oh I love them all, it would really be hard to choose a favorite. But on Christmas Eve, I love to watch an old favorite of mine that some people have probably forgotten about-"The Homecoming" a Christmas story about The Waltons.

  3. You know it sounds crazy but I love the Santa Claus(e) Movies.

    They have just the right amount of sweet and silly for me.

  4. Let's have a movie night! Ho Ho Ho
    I love the oldies.

  5. our family watches a Christmas movie every sunday night between Thanksgiving and Christmas. we choose different ones but we ALWAYS start with Christmas Vacation. we could act it out but instead we just speak the parts with the movie!

  6. My very favorite is It's a Wonderful Life (colorized). Our kids fave is Ralphie! Home Alone is another fave because at the time our youngest son looked alot like Kevin.
    Miracle on 34th Street also!-both, the old one w/Natalie Wood and the newer one.
    Our newsest favorite is Elf! Has some great lines re: candy and cabs:)

    Great post,Carol!


  7. I love all the Christmas movies. They are so much fun to watch. Our whole family seems to enjoy Elf to add with those you have mentioned.

  8. I watch them all when I can.

  9. Oh Carol, I love all of these movies, but It's a Wonderful Life is my absolute, all time favorite movie, and J. S. is my favorite actor. I have that movie card in a frame just like the one you posted. I did a post one time about a birthday cake where my husband had a cake made that had my face on Donna Reed's body on that movie card! I also have that picture in a frame. It's so fun to see J. S. holding me up in the air! (it's also fun to see my cute body-really D.R.'s body, but I like to think it's mine!) laurie

  10. I love all the movies you mentioned. But two nights ago I added a NEW FAVORITE: "THE CHRISTMAS MIRACLE OF JONATHAN TOOMEY."
    It's a real family movie and a winner! ---Beautiful scenery, wholesome and heartwarming story. Try it everyone.
