Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009 . . .

Christmas 2009 was one for the record book!
A Christmas Eve blizzard was a first for our state.
It was Ethan's first Christmas, very special,
he turned 10 months old on the 25th.

Wishing for a white Christmas was more than we bargained for.

Our front yard . . .

Huge snow drift outside our dining room window . . .

Believe it or not we shoveled our way to the grill to make
some tasty steaks for Christmas dinner.

Snow drift at our front door. . .

Santa survived the storm. . .

Ethan & Papaw can't wait to open gifts . . .

Bob managed to find a sled for Ethan
before the sleet & snow started falling. . .

One of Ethan's gifts from us was a
book about Pistol Pete, the OSU mascot.
You never can start too early teaching
about school spirit!
And, it's never too early to learn
about mowing the lawn!

Kari was thrilled when she opened
her Kitchenaid stand mixer!

Sunday we were finally able to take Ethan
on his first sled ride.

He was not happy about the experience.
He cried (threw a fit) to let us know he'd had enough!
We couldn't help but laugh. . .


  1. What a special Christmas.
    Happy New Year

  2. You tortured that poor baby in the cold. :) Just kidding. I would have done exactly the same thing. Good job Papaw!

    Our yard still looks just about like yours. Brrr!! John B. had to bring over his 4 wheel drive truck over to pull my sister in law out of the neighborhood the other day. Funny girl was ready to go to a warmer place.

  3. That is a lot of snow! Ethan is so cute in his little outfit!
    Happy New Year!

  4. I like Ethan's sled!! It is so so cute!!!

    Alicia was telling me good things about Kari and wished she lived closer!!!

    Happy New Year Carol and to the rest of the Family!

  5. It was a beautiful white Christmas in Oklahoma!! Ethan is just too cute....too bad he didn't like his sled ride! Hope you and your family have a Happy New Year!!!♥

  6. Carol, Thank you for sharing your Christmas photos. Ethan is so cute. My you got a lot of snow. Have a Happy New Year. Kathi

  7. Awwwww! Ethan is adorable! I know you had a blast with this little one -- my favorite pic, I think, is the one of him and his Pawpaw. (Aren't our men just precious with those grandbabies!)

    Thanks for joining me over at Texas Preacher Woman. I look forward to sharing a cup of coffee with you there.

