Monday, November 9, 2009

Make It Easy On Yourself . . .

I don't think it's too early for some Christmas
inspiration or a little song to brighten your day!
Enjoy. . .
Here's a nifty idea to make your outdoor
Christmas decorating simple!
It's easy on the budget and gives you more time
for shopping, baking, and other holiday activities.

Don't forget. . .only 46 more days until Christmas!


  1. How cute!
    I'll pass this on to my husband. :)

    I love Christmas. It's my very favorite.
    I can't believe it's only 46 days away.

    I've started some shopping, but have lots to go.

    Have a blessed week Carol!

  2. Oh honey. I was laying in bed at 4 this morning and started realizing that I'd better get busy!

  3. What a riot! That house on the would be us!

  4. OK duh, I didn't get it at first. Finally, I looked over at the other house and about spewed my drink! Ditto is just hilarious!!!!!!!!

  5. I love this photo! Too funny. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. That is just too funny! Thanks for the laughs:)

  7. Oh how funny! Thanks for the laugh Carol. laurie

  8. 46 days until Christmas, I better get of this chair and do something! I have a ton of ideas but I love looking at all the blogs. There are so many!

  9. Simple . . . hum. I've done some shopping and plan to put up the basic decor (tree, greenrey and lights) in the next few days then decorate them after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving for me is two days crammed full, so I need a head start.

    My little granddaughter and I have started watching Christmas movies :)

    Have a blessed week and . . . make it easy on yourself :)

  10. At first I just saw that house full of lights and thought, "Carol think this is simple?!!" haha...then I looked better!! I am so excited for Christmas! Cute pic!
