Friday, November 6, 2009

Gorgeous Oklahoma Weather . . .

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous all week!
Clear blue skies, temperatures in the
upper 70s, & no rain.
I took a little time this morning
to snap some photos
of our beautiful front yard tree.

I hope you're having great weather in your neck of the woods!


  1. We have been having the best November weather around!!!!!! I have all my windows open this morning and there is just enough of a cool breeze...PERFECT!♥

  2. Beautiful pictures! We've been getting rain off and on, but it is still so pretty! Have a great weekend!

    :0) Sharon

  3. We do here in Arkansas this week. Your color is beautiful.

  4. That is great to know you are having good weather as my in-laws are visiting family in Oklahoma now. We are having some beautiful weather here too!

  5. The leaves look so pretty. We too are having great weather, although a little breezy this afternoon.
    I wish it would stay like this for the whole winter!!

  6. We've been having nice weather again, too. Love this return of Indian Summer. I am so fond of maples like yours that display so many different colors on the tree at the same time. Beautiful!!

  7. Our weather has been interesting. But today is supposed to be pretty nice. I'll be sitting in an office this morning doing continuing ed for my Financial Services Company.

    Becky K.

  8. Wish we had the fall color here in Houston, You have to buy it at Hobby Lobby! Your tree is beautiful. Have a great weekend

  9. Love your photos! We have been enjoying nice weather as well. Today is a high of 80, and bright sunshine!

  10. Isn't it just beautiful? Seems like the trees are more colorful this year than in the past few. Loving it!

  11. Beautiful pictures! Its pouring down rain here....I love that I'm warm inside! We're going to have homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner and watch a movie! :)
