Thursday, October 1, 2009

Welcome October . . .

September seemed to fly by so quickly!

Now we welcome October.
Before we know it we will be celebrating Thanksgiving.
By the way, did you realize there are only 85 days until December 25th?
In the mean time I'm going to enjoy October.


  1. I just love Norman Rockwell pictures!

  2. I love Norman Rockwell pictures, too! This year has zoomed by!

  3. I love your Norman Rockwell choice. It's so adorable!

    It is hard to believe that the seasons are changing so quickly. I raked leaves for the first time today!

  4. My favorite month! I love Fall! Great picture too.

  5. I can't believe how quickly September went by. I think so far for 2009 it has been the quickest month. It seems so crazy and you're right Thanksgiving and Christmas are not far behind!

    :0) Sharon
