Monday, October 5, 2009

Mission Accomplished . . .

Sunday afternoon my mission to buy a new
Christmas tree was accomplished.

Not only did I buy this 9 ft tree at Sam's I also bought a 'fatter' 7.5 ft tree.
They're stored in our garage until holiday decorating begins.
Now I'm ready for my next mission.

I have always wanted to make pumpkin topiaries for our front door entrance.
My plan is to make them with faux pumpkins.
I think I'll stop by Hobby Lobby and Michael's today to see what's available.
I've thought about using the real thing, but that
would probably be a little pricey.
Besides, with the faux pumpkins I'll be able to use them again.
Hope you all have a marvelous Monday.


  1. Please do make the topiaries. I've always thought about it but never have done it. You'll be able to just pull them out next year. :)

  2. Congrats on the new trees and I can't wait to see the pumpkin topiaries!

  3. You can never start christmas to early. I made the pumpkin topiaries a couple of years ago. THe problem with real pumpkins is they will rot and get stinky. I think you will do better with the fake ones...Love your blog.

  4. Your trees sound fabulous! What a great idea for pumpkin topiaries. I'll have to remember that. It looks so pretty.
