Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering . . .

Today we remember a day that changed America.

We should never forget the sadness, fear, & disbelief
we experienced that day & the days that followed.
We found comfort in praying & gathering near
our family & friends.

We're showing our strength today by flying
Old Glory.
God Bless America!


  1. Carol Your new header is beautiful and I am so happy to see your post on remembering today. Pray we never forget and it never happens again.

  2. I can't believe it has been eight years...Such a terrible day that was.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes.

    Becky K.

  3. I will never forget and yes, my flag is flying high!!

  4. We will never forget in this house.
    Hugs Patsy

  5. When I saw the pic of the fall trees it reminded me of my trips to MA. Sure enough, that is where you are from. I have an almost identical pic.

  6. Hi Carol, This is a great post! Love your header! Nancy
