Monday, September 21, 2009

Playin' Around . . .

Ethan had a great time on Sunday
playing with some new gadgets.

He's looks like a big boy in his new highchair.

Here he is playing with a little drum
that belonged to his Daddy.

He's sitting up very well!

Learning all about a new toy.


  1. Oh, Carol! Ethan is such a cutie! His pictures always make me smile! Did I tell you I'm getting one of these in February? Yep, my daughter is having another boy!! Can't wait to get my hands on him!! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Ethan is just too cute and growing away!! It is so much fun to watch them with new toys. Their mind just works away. Hope you are having a wonderful Monday.♥ Are you getting the cold weather there yet?

  3. What a cutie! He is growing so fast!

  4. Carol he is growing so much and so cute! I know you must have the best time with him.
