Friday, August 28, 2009

You Know You're Old When . . .

you start remembering things from your high school years
that you haven't thought of in decades.
Don't ask me why, but I started thinking about some of my
favorite songs from the late 60s & early 70s.
I loved tunes by The Association.
Their sound was 'groovy' & mellow.
Cheesy & perfect for teenage girls!

My three favorite songs by The Association were
Never My Love

Way back then you had two ways to hear your favorite music, wait until it played on the radio, or buy the record. I didn't have spare money to buy records so I had to tune in to my favorite radio channel in Oklahoma City. It was fun making the drag with my friends & singing along when our favorites played. You do know what making the drag is don't you? After driving around for an hour or two in someone's car we would all chip in a quarter to fill up before we headed home. Believe it or not in 1969 gasoline was $0.35 a gallon!

Thanks for going down memory lane with me. If you want to you can turn up the volume & do some dusting or ironing!

Enjoy your Friday!


  1. Fun memories.

    I remember the 80's when there were many who would cruise around the town of State much that finally the town police would arrest you if you went around more than two or three times.

    Becky K.

  2. Oh, I do so love it when I hear a song that reminds me of "back in the day"!

  3. I graduated in 1981. We used to make the drag in Mesquite, TX for hours at a time. We'd sit in the parking lot and talk then drive on down to Sonic and back again. I was in the Pizza Inn parking lot when they announced that John Lennon was shot. We listened to The Eagles and Journey. Good times!

  4. haha neat memories! Too bad gas isn't that price anymore!!

  5. Yes the good old days on the drag. Can you believe that it entertained us that much?
    Fun to think back at old songs.
    The carpenters were my favorite.
    Have a good weekend

  6. They just don't have songs like this anymore! Those REALLY were the good days! What fun we had cruising the drag and not having to worry too much about the price of gas for the car. Thanks for the memories. laurie

  7. Carol, High school daze and happenings of those years is usually fun times to remember.
    We really made the drag in my days, I think you youngsters had a shorter drag. Ours was about 10 miles long and then you had your choice of drive=ins to rest at.

    AHHHH what memories.

  8. I love going back in my mind once and a while...and then it reminds me how old I really am...
    kinda like when I ask if something is "cool" to my son...and he remarks that saying "cool" should answer my is supposed to be "sweet" so...if I think it's "cool" probably isn't!
    have a good one.
