Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Okra"homa & Other Fresh Veggies . . .

I have discovered that oven roasted fresh garden veggies are delicious!
I few summers ago I started oven roasting fresh green beans.
They are so-o-o delicious! Very sweet & nutty flavored.
Basically I roast veggies on a cookie sheet that has been sprayed with Pam.
Load your sheet with your vegetable of choice. Spray veggies with Pam or drizzle lightly with olive oil & season with salt & pepper.
Sometimes I add other seasonings such as garlic powder or Cajun.
Cook at 425 degrees for 25 or 30 minutes.
Okra is also very tasty roasted in the oven.
The finished product is very similar to fried, but of course much healthier!
Our garden is producing tons of okra so I'm busy freezing some for future use.
I had enough today to freeze a large bag &
also oven roast a batch for dinner tonight.

First cut up your okra in small pieces.

This 8 cup bowl will fill up a large zip-lock bag.

Add a little corn meal. . .

and a little flour.
Don't forget to add your seasonings of choice.

Now, into the freezer!
*Tonight's menu*
Oven roasted okra, yellow squash, & zucchini
Sliced tomatoes & cucumbers


  1. We love veggies roasted too! I've never done green beans. That's a great idea. I have cooked them in the pot so many times that my family revolts now if I mention it. :)

    I've thought about you in the last few days. Aren't you glad you are not back in your classroom right now? I am.

  2. Yummy yummy to my tummy! Delicious and healthful. Can't beat it!

  3. I will have to try that, sounds so good.

  4. I never thought of that before to roast the green beans - thank you! I'll try it! (I'm not an Okra fan - ah well!) I love to broil my asparagus too w/ sea salt, olive oil and then I sprinkle parmesan cheese on it. Yummy!

  5. I love any and all vegetables prepared any way. I'm going to try roasting green beans now.


  6. Sounds delicious...can I come?! Hehe! I love fresh veggies out of the garden! YUM!

  7. Just stopping over via Valerie...hope you don't mind.

    Yes, aren't fresh veggies just the best! I'll have to oven roast my fresh green beans next time, it sounds delish...and healthy!

    Have a great week!

  8. Sounds so yummy. I am frying impaired so this sounds wonderful.

  9. I'm going to have to try the okra in the oven. We love fried okra, but it is such a mess, and so unhealthy, so I don't fix it often. Your menu sounds wonderful. laurie
