Monday, August 31, 2009

Goodbye Summer . . .

It's hard to believe that this is the last day of August!
Even though it will be several weeks before
we see beautiful Autumn scenery
here in Oklahoma we are already enjoying cooler days
and even cooler nights. When you step outside in
the evenings the breeze if refreshing and
has that feeling of Fall in the air.
No humidity!

Fall is my favorite season.
I love decorating the house inside and out.
Once everything is in place it stays out
until Christmas decorating begins
the day after Thanksgiving.
Enjoy your day!


  1. It is absolutely GORGEOUS right now here in Oklahoma! I actually have my windows open because there is still a cool breeze. Hard to believe for Aug. 31st!!!!!!!

  2. I love to decorate too and I can hardly believe it's going to be September tomorrow. We are having cool nights and low here himidity too. I can just feel fall in the air. I hope you have a lovely day. Charli and I have been out walking.

  3. I think, you, Darlene and I are all doing happy dances? Isn't this weather just the best?

  4. It feels like fall here- we've had a gorgeous mild summer- in my opinion anyway! Some people like it hot- not me:)

    I just can't believe how fast the summer went by!

    Thanks for stopping by my place, Carol. Can't wait to see your fall decorations:)

    Happy Monday!

    Linda C

  5. I can't wait until Fall!! You're right, the weather has been gorgeous the last few days!!

  6. To me fall is the best time of the year. I love the color of fall.

  7. Isn't it just wonderful for those beautiful cooler days to be showing up! We love it here too!

  8. Carol,
    I couldn't wait! I've already decorated my blog for fall and can't wait to start on my house! I, too, have absolutely loved the weather in Oklahoma these last few days! Come on Fall!!

  9. It has become gorgeous here. In the 50's at night and the 70's during the day. Love it! Hope it lasts for all of Sept! October would be great too. lol

    Becky K.
