Thursday, July 16, 2009

Heat Relief . . .

Finally,we have a little relief from 100 plus degree temperatures!

Thunderstorms rolled through last night . . .

giving us some much needed rain.
Editorial Note:
These pictures were found on Google.
Wish I could take credit for being the photographer!


  1. No rain here. Boo hoo. It is a little cooler though. I didn't sweat while watering this morning.

  2. You have a lovely garden! Isn't fun to go out and harvest fresh veggies? It has been the highlight of my summer. Your geraniums are gorgeous!

  3. That picture is very impressive.
    God's work. We got some of your rain today. Thanks

  4. WOw, love these pics!!! Yay for heat relief...does that mean its humid??

  5. Neat pictures! I'm sooo thankful it rained!

  6. Oh you lucky did send them on my way, down South, right?????? Hehehe I have to laugh at Stacey's comment cause I thought the same thing while I was watering earlier.

  7. The heat has arrived here and it brought humidity with it. Well, heat may be relative. It is in the high eighties..the humidity makes it oppressive.

  8. We had a big storm last night too. Lost our power for about 4 hrs. laurie

  9. Oh happy rain! We need rain so bad here. Much of our area is on stage one drought control. Neat photos!

  10. We didn't get a drop of rain. It rained hard in OKC and Midwest City, but not here.
    It has cooled down a lot. What a nice surprise to get in my car yesterday afternoon and the temp. said 93. A real cool down.
