Sunday, July 5, 2009

Don't Rain On My Parade ! ! !

Well, it did rain on our subdivision parade Saturday morning!
So we continued with our plans for a hot dog feast.

Bob made a freezer of homemade ice cream before he cooked the hot dogs.

Ethan wore his special outfit.

First 4th of July for the family of three.

The parade was rescheduled for today.

Ethan's ready for the parade. He's trying to figure out his flag.

Daddy & Ethan are making their way down the parade route.

The parade was led by a fire truck.

When the parade ended the fire truck started spraying water.
Here you see kids having fun in the water & Bob
explaining to Ethan what's going on.

Proud Daddy & Mommy!

Ethan got a ribbon for participating in his first parade!
Fun time even though it was a day late.


  1. Cute little fat face just right for bunches of kisses. looks like you all had fun.

  2. What cute pictures! Loved them. Sure wish I could get up to see you guys and hold that little booger! He is a doll.

  3. Homemade ice cream Yummy!!!! looks like you had a fun day . Love the pictures what a little cutie :)


  4. Looks like you all had a great holiday weekend! Cute photos!

  5. How fun!

    Boy did we ever get rained on Saturday evening.
    They had to postpone the fireworks display at the Expo center here in town. It was pretty crazy.

    I had just told my husband early in the day Sat. that homemade ice cream sounded so good and then our friends asked if we could pick up some ice because they were making some!!! Yay! I hadn't had it in ages.

    Ethan is such a little doll. They are a precious little family.

    Glad y'all had a great 4th!

  6. Great pictures! How fun to have a parade:)

  7. We had such a great time! ..that last picture of Ethan cracks me up - the little squirmer. =)

  8. Great family fun. Go Bob! He must be a real handy man -- making ice cream and hot dogs!

    You have a beautiful family! You are a blessed lady!

  9. Ethan is growing up so fast! Look at him holding that little flag! His mom and dad are looking great too. Looks like so much fun! laurie
