Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Fashion . . .

Every well dressed baby boy
should have certain items
in his summer fashion wardrobe!

Denim shorts, cool sandals . . .

and a t-shirt with a catchy sentence!


  1. They grow to fast ,he is so cute.

  2. HA!! I love that shirt and may just have to find one like that:)

    What a cutey- and I love nothing better that those sweet tiny little baby shoes- I stop in stores and look at them...:) so tiny!

    Have a great weekend:)

    Linda C

  3. Love the summer look. So cute! The little itty bitty sandals are groovy too!!

    Plus a cool dude is wearing the new clothes!

  4. Ethan is too too cute. I know you are very proud to be his Nana!
    Enjoy him all you can. Remember Gandma M would say "Don't you grown up on me"
    Have a good Friday
    Love Mary

  5. They have the cutest things for little boys nowadays. Love the look!

  6. Dont you just love jean shorts on babies?!! To cute! Love that top too...I think caydens Papa is the same way!! LOL

  7. The boys and I were walking through our local dry goods store yesterday. I commented on a very delicate and lacy dress while Mikey was saying how cute a small, very small, brown work jacket was.

    Funny, how these different things catch our eye.

    Ethan looks great in his summer fashions. Good thing I trust what you will post because there are a lot of summer fashions out there I wouldn't care to

  8. That is SO precious. Enjoy him - he will grow up too fast.

    Betty in Oklahoma

  9. He's so cute. Love the summer fashion! :)

  10. Haha fantastic slogan on the t-shirt, thats brought a smile to my face. I've just had to shop for a new wardrobe myself for this summer and managed to pick up a few bargains in the great universal summer deals. Just can't believe how quickly this year is going!
