Friday, June 26, 2009

Opie Taylor . . .

Is it possible that little Opie Taylor. . .

is on the cover of AARP's July magazine?

I felt very old when I found this
in the mail on Thursday.

Oh how I loved the Andy Griffith Show when I was a kid. I always enjoy the reruns whenever I can find them. Happy Days was one of my favorites too. Wish someone would start producing this type of wholesome sit-com during prime time these days!


  1. Yes Life is starting to come full circle isn't it.
    This was a cute post today

  2. It just can't be... I love watching little Opie on reruns!!

    But then I can't believe that AARP has my address, too!:)

    Great post, Carol!

    Linda C

  3. Yikies...Opie on AARP...they do know how to make us feel old, don't they?! Have a great weekend. ~Natalie

  4. Yep, it is hard to believe. I still like finding those reruns and watching.

    To answer your question, the chairs came just as I showed them.....bright red!

  5. Opie caught my eye!! My son reminds me so much of him. I agree with you...he can't possibly be on the cover of AARP!

  6. I still watch the show. Man he's getting old, hahaha.

  7. He was such a cute lil' boy! I definitely agree; there should be more wholesome shows these days!!

  8. Happy days was one of my favorite shows! I wanted to marry Richie Cunningham - LOL!!

  9. Yes, it is hard to believe! It's kind of like going to your high school reunion and you realize that everyone has gotten so old -- except for you! :)
