Saturday, May 2, 2009

Soggy Saturday . . .

You guessed it, more rain!

Here in northeastern Oklahoma the rain has caused flooding.
Thankfully, our house is in a location that
keeps it high & dry.
Since we can't work on our gardening projects
we'll do a little indoor job.
What could be more fun than moving the
washer & drier & getting rid of the dust bunnies?
I know, sounds like fun!
I thought about tackling this chore by myself
a few days ago, but then decided it would be
a great idea to let hubby join in on the fun!
Wasn't that nice of me to include him?


  1. What a smart idea getting your hubby in on the fun! Good for you for getting that big unfun project done! I love that picture!

    :0) Sharon

  2. Yes I have heard that couples who work together stay together! Happy dust bunny hunting.
    Love you

  3. Oh! You've made me feel so guilty! I may have to go in my laundry room and do this now! Nah, it's not raining here. laurie

  4. Hunting--to try to find; search-to chase. Man likes to hunt. So you did something good, letting him in on the chase. Wife's are so good to there

  5. We are tired of the rain too!

  6. Soggy, soggy, soggy here in Edmond. I'm going to take a nap!

  7. Haha...I bet he was thrilled!! LOL
    But I bet YOU are thrilled to have it cleaned out and checked off the "to do" list!!

  8. That doesn't sound like fun to me.
    Glad you are staying safe and dry.
