Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday's Schedule . . .

Ambitious Schedule . . .

(Some of these activities are subject to change if rain occurs!)
#1 8:30 Breakfast with a dear friend. . .
#2 9:30 Buy cards at Dollar Tree. . .
#3 10:00 Sam's shopping spree. . .
#4 11:00 Shopping for plants
geraniums,garden seeds & veggie plants. . .
#5 12:00 Prepare flowerbeds for geraniums,
tear out pansies & tulips. . .
#6 1:00 Grab a quick bite of lunch & rest. . .
#7 2:00 Plant geraniums. . .
#8 3:00 Work on garden. . .
#9 4:00 Get ready to babysit Ethan. . .
#10 5:30 Babysit Ethan. . .
Hey, if we get #5,7,& 8 accomplished it will be a real miracle!!! Hubby won't know about my ambitious plans until he reads this schedule early this morning!!! LOL ;-)


  1. Carol, I hope you get to accomplish all that needs to be done. You have quitt a list going on here!

    I hope you have fun doing it all, especially chatting with your girlfriend over breakfast. :)

  2. Don't forget to have a wonderful Mother's Day as you recuperate from your busy day...

  3. The Doris Day song is inspiring for sure this morning. Sounds like a fun day. I love being in the yard. Don't forget to take your Advil before bed, you will need it! ha

  4. You go girl!

    Raining here in Edmond.

  5. May you have a wonderful Mother's day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. It sounds like you have a full day ahead of you. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day too.

  7. Fun schedule and the best was last. Happy Mother's Day

  8. Kinda sounds like my day!
    Happy Mother's Day!
