Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ready & Waiting . . .

We're ready & waiting for our little friends to visit.

We put out these two feeders every year.
We really enjoy watching the Hummingbirds buzz around.

Wouldn't it be fun to feed these amazing little birds from your hand?
We never have this many at our feeders.
Maybe this will be the summer we have many visitors.


  1. Oh Carol! I just got the newest issue of Birds & Blooms yesterday. It's all about hummingbirds.

  2. They'll be there soon. We have had hummers here since the end of February.

  3. We have a hummingbird feeder hanging up for the first time this year.

    They are sooo cute to watch aren't they!

    ~Happy feeding! :)

  4. Isn't that picture of the hummers eating out of a hand incredible! I love hummingbirds. I sure hope you get a lot of visitors to your feeders and that you share photos of them. laurie

  5. We got ours up and ready.

  6. We've gotten a few in the last week or so. I love to hear the humming of their wings as they are drinking the nectar. We had one today that had yellow on it.

  7. Those hummingbirds are so sweet.
    That's neat that they come eat right out of your hand.

  8. Carol, hummingbirds remind me that summer is just around the corner! I can't wait!
    I just love your sweet cousin Cheryl and her wonderful family!
    Hugs, Cindy
