Tuesday, May 5, 2009

No Sunshine . . .

Monday was another cloudy day! I should have been out in the yard pulling weeds in the flowerbeds, but it was too wet. I'm ready for some sunshine. It rained again Monday evening. More rain today! UGH!

Since I couldn't work outside I got busy changing the sheets,vacuuming the down stairs, and also damp mopped the hardwood floors.

I wish I could tell you that I looked cheerful & perky like this chick, but I can't. Saturday night when we were leaving Bobby & Kari's house I fell in the driveway after tripping on a crack in the sidewalk. I skinned my left knee pretty bad! I know, what a klutz! I rested most of the day Sunday, even though I managed to do some laundry. My knee is bruised, scabbed, & swollen. Anyway, I decided that I'd better do a little activity Monday to try to work out the kinks. The treadmill was out of the question so I limped around with the vacuum & mop. I did finish the job!

This is how I felt after I finished, POOPED! I know, poor, pitiful me!

I agree with Maxine!

Today I have more cleaning jobs to tackle. Onward and upward!

Have a terrific Tuesday!
I hope the sun is shining where you live!


  1. Loved all the cute pics!
    Hope your knee is better. Just remember you come from a long line of domestic work-acholics due to Mom and the Grannys. We are a dieing breed for sure!
    Ha Enjoy your day.
    Love you

  2. What a great and nicely illustrated post!
    We are looking for rain tomorrow and it sounds like it is going to linger here for a few days! UGH!
    I am sick of the rain and grey clouds too!
    I better enjoy todays sunshine!
    Hope your knee feels better today!

  3. I do hope thta knee heals quickly! What a pain that will be if you have to work outside like that.

    Cute, cute post!

  4. Carol, I have fallen like that before and oh it hurts! Take some Tylenol..it helps the pain.

    We are trying to keep our chin up here living in the dark. The yard has this beautiful jungle look about it. Oh well. We did need the rain.

  5. Girl you better take care of yourself. I'm sorry to hear about your knee. Hope it gets better soon.

    I too agree with Maxine!!!

  6. Funny post! Hope there is nothing seriously wrong with your knee. It will be sunny and HOT before you/we know it!

  7. So sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you are better soon!

  8. Such cute pictures. I'm so sorry you fell. I hope your knee is much better now, but I know it will take awhile for it to heal. laurie

  9. OUCH...I do hope your knee feels better soon. I cleaned house for quite a while today since it was pouring down rain.

  10. Clean, clean, clean....it seems like that is all we do sometimes. I use a little bit of vinegar dilluted in water to clean my hard wood floors. It makes then shine. I hope the sun comes out soon for you and your knee feels better. I enjoyed reading both of your posts.

  11. I hope your knee is not to sore. We did have sun today but more rain on it's way.

  12. I'm sorry you fell and hurt your knee. Take it easy, just pace yourself because as you know, housework is never really done anyway! Take a moment to relax and take care of yourself. Sending {hugs} your way!

  13. This is so cute...I bet you felt better after it was all done and CLEAN!
