Thursday, May 28, 2009

First Year Of Retirement . . .

The first year of my retirement from teaching has flown by!
I've had several people tell me they would be so bored if they retired. Not me! I always have something to do!
I'm so blessed to have been able to retire when I was 55 years old!
I have had a wonderful 1st year of being retired.
My stress level has diminished greatly!
I have a new grandson that I've been able to
spend lots of time with since he
arrived on February 25th.
I've done lots of cooking, decorating, & cleaning.
I love doing these things when I have time.
I have the time now to create or just putter around the house.
I started blogging in September.
I've had such fun meeting new friends in blogland! I have learned so much from reading wonderful ideas on inspiring blogs.

Retirement, it's a good thing!


  1. Oh, I am so happy for you...I know I will love it too!! I have just a couple of years left...we have two in college, so will have to wait until they are done. Today is my last day of school for the year!! Happy Thursday. ~Natalie

  2. Cheryl and I were just talking the other night about how you got to retire at such a young age. You are a lucky girl! I'm so glad you are enjoying your time. Over the years I've gone back and forth teaching - I love it but in the end I'd rather be at home.

  3. You go girl, this was what we were working for. Retirement.

  4. How neat that able to retire and enjoy this stage of your life. I know you're loving being able to be around Ethan. What a blessing!

    I think if I were to retire I'd never be bored! :)

    The restaurant/bathroom sign was a hoot!
    Isn't it fun how we always have our camera handy for such a moment? I love it!

  5. I have a long ways to go before I can get a taste of retirement. Glad you are staying busy.

  6. Carol hope you did't mine me doing a take off on your post today.I have a cup that I have had for 25 years.

  7. I can definitely tell you are enjoying your retirement....I can't imagine being bored around my home either! I only work 3 hours a day so I have most of my day available to putter around and do what I please.

    Also, I have been eyeing those chalkboard markers at HL....think I'll have to get some!

  8. Yes, retirement allows you to take time to "smell the roses," time to be creative, time to enjoy family and time to help others, too. So there is never a reason to be bored! I'm happy you are enjoying it so much.

  9. Are you at that stage where you wonder how you ever found time to work? It will happen if it hasn't least that is what I hear.

    Congratulations on your one year anniversary of this stage of your life.


  10. Happy 1st year Anniversary! This past year has gone by so fast!
    I have always thought that good teachers were sent straight from heaven. And you were at the top of the list!
    Love you and enjoy your day

  11. Happy one year!!!! I bet you have taken many breaths of fresh air this year!!

    In a couple of weeks my baby graduates from High School, do I then get to retire???

    Cheers to year two!!

  12. Wow, it's already been a year!? I'm so glad you're able to be at home doing the things you love!

    We're also glad you can come spend time with us during the day!

    Love you!
    Kari and Ethan =)

  13. Oh, I want to retire!! I'm so glad that you said you're enjoying it. Every time I say I want to retire, somebody says, "oh, you'd be so bored"! Hey! I could handle being a little bored! laurie

  14. I'm so glad you are enjoying retirement. If you got bored, you could probably return to substitute teach, right?
    My hubby retired 4 years ago and he loves it...not so much for me. It's hard having him under foot 24/7.

  15. Well I'm sure happy to know you, Carol! So glad you are enjoying retirement AND with your new grandson- what could be better!!

    Great post!

    Linda C
