Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Outdoor Plants . . .

One of the first outdoor plants we put out
are the hanging baskets.
This year we decided to go back to
one of our favorite deck plants . . .
the Boston fern . . .
They always make the deck seem tropical & inviting on even the hottest of summer days.
We bought three of these beauties at Sam's for $9.88 each.
The past few years we have hung flowering baskets, but when I saw these at Sam's they called my name & I had to bring them home.
I always have good luck with ferns. By the time the first freeze comes around they have doubled in size.
May 1st we will get busy on the next addition to our outdoor spaces.


  1. Hi Carol,
    We just hung ferns on our back deck for the very first time this year.
    I love the traditional look as well. Here's hoping I have as good of luck with them as you do!

    Thank you for your kind words on our dining room.
    I really appreciate it.

    Have a blessed week.
    ~Melissa :)

  2. Hi Carol! I got some last year at Lowe's. It's on my list again this year. Did you see the porch and patio party on May 5th? There's a button on my sidebar.

  3. Beautiful. I love Boston ferns too. I can just imagine they would do wonderful in the high humidity of summer!

  4. Your ferns are always so luscious and full. I hope mine do as well. Good luck this year on the outcome and your garden if you plant one this year.

  5. You got a good buy on your ferns. At work we have them for 19.99. Ferns do have a tendency to make your surroundings feel cooler.

  6. I'm definitely hanging ferns this year...hope I can find some nice ones like yours!
