Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Home Again . . .

We made it home mid afternoon on Monday from our trip to Houston.

Grant & Kate's wedding was so much fun.

Here are a few pictures . . .

Here's the bride & groom surrounded by the
nieces who were the flower girls & Kate's
nephew who was the ring bearer.

The wedding party . . .

The ceremony . . .

Kate's wedding portrait . . .

The elegant wedding cake . . .

The dinner was delicious . . .
pasta, chicken, & salad

This picture of Elise was taken
Easter evening.


  1. Looks like a beautiful wedding!

  2. I love the black and white. Happy your home safe.

  3. I love going to weddings. They are such a happy occasion. The bride and her gals look pretty and the groom and his guys look handsome!!
    Glad you had a fun time.

  4. Loved her wedding dress! Looks like a very nice event!

  5. Such great photos. Weddings reduce me to puddles. I guess just the thought of two lives blending into one makes me sappy.

    I loved all the little children involved in the wedding.

  6. Beautiful wedding Carol..that cake was awesome looking...thanks for sharing girl..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. The wedding looks so beautiful. The bride and groom look so happy. I'm glad you had a great time. Kathi
