Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thank You . . .

I want to thank those of you who gave wonderful advice & encouragement to my daughter~in~law, Kari, on her blog yesterday! Please continue to pray for Kari, Bobby, & little Ethan. Thank you for being a blessing to us!

If one has the gift of encouraging others, he should encourage.

Romans 12:8


  1. Carol, I remember those new born baby days like yesterday. I remember feeling so joyful and yet so incredibly overwhelmed. There's nothing, no words, no advice that can prepare a new mom for how great and how hard it is. It's just one day at a time for awhile. I'm so glad you all are there to help them through the beginning. They will never forget the sweet times!

  2. With my grand daugther it is lost sleep that has her feeling the same way. Every on is trying to help her get more sleep.

  3. I'm going over to pay her a visit right now. I think with the first born we want everything to be so perfect. I was over that by my third. :)


  4. Carol, I knew that was your d-i-l. I think someone else had left a comment about "your daughter", and I just got confused in the comment I left on your last post. I hope that mother, father, and baby are doing better. laurie

  5. I've been thinking about Kari a lot and keeping her in my prayers.
    I know she has a lot of love and support.
    Baby Ethan is just precious!

  6. Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you guys!! My folks, friend Stacey & her family were over the other evening. Stacey made a comment about the newest member of our family. She was refering to little Ethan. I'm so glad that he is doing well. Keep those pictures coming!! Cheryl:)

  7. Sorry I'm late - I'll head over to her blog right now! God bless!
