Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Has Sprung . . .

One of the first signs of spring here in Oklahoma
is the blooming of the state tree, the redbud.

The Oklahoma Redbud is one of the first trees to flower in the early spring,
blooming petite purple-red flowers in large clusters.
This blizzard of bright blooms appears in late winter or early spring.
Soon after, dark green, glossy leaves begin to form a beautiful backdrop.
Ideal for tight places or small lots, but will brighten up even the largest yards. Matures to a perfect 20-30 ft. tall, forming a dense, round shape.
No other tree can offer this many blooms.
Grows in a variety of soils and climates.
Oklahoma Redbuds are often used to accent gardens because they are very compact. However, they make great ornamental trees as well, being able to command attention with their showy purple-red flowers.
These are strong trees with deep root systems.
Very resistant to storm, ice and wind damage.

Welcome spring!!!


  1. Ready for Spring! I am so glad it is officially here!

  2. Beautiful tree! I was working out in my garden last evening and it was so nice to see spring arriving!

  3. Beautiful tree, love the blooms! Happy Spring to you!

  4. Beautiful Redbud Tree. I am so happy to see spring.

  5. Beautiful tree........we are welcoming spring here in FL as well.

  6. it makes my head spin how far ahead some of your states are then us here in Canada! we are still frozen! Love the blooming flower bushes and tree photos! happy some to me?

  7. Hi Carol...the redbud tree is so beautiful and we see them here in Texas just growing wild in abandoned pastures or thickets...
    Happy weekend, ;-) Bo

  8. Such a beautiful tree - I love them! Planted a little Oklahoma Redbud last year in the yard pretty close to the house. It's my third try with redbuds here. I noticed the other day that the deer have wandered through and done some severe pruning on it. Boo hoo! We have so many deer growing anything is a challenge!

  9. The picture of that tree is beautiful! I've been without internet at home most of this week. I'm at the office trying to do some catching up. I loved your Sunday post too. laurie
