Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Growing Like A Weed . . .

Ethan is one month old today!
His weight was 9 pounds 14 ounces when
he visited the doctor last Thursday.
He's doing very well!

One of his favorite hobbies is sleeping!


  1. wow he's a month and weighs the same as my "Busy" did when she was born!
    certainly is cute isn't he!

  2. HE is looking good!

    I love your Spring header.

    Very pretty!

  3. Carol, Ethan is so cute in that picture. I think he looks so much like Bobby did at that age.
    Keep up the good work Nana.
    Time will fly by so quick before you know it he will be walking!
    Love and support

  4. Oh how precious is that!!!!! I love your header pic girl..just beautiful...have a great week!

  5. He really is growing. He's so handsome.

  6. Sleepy babies are the cutest!!!

  7. One of my favorite hobbies is sleeping too!:) What a cutie Ethan is!

    Don't you just want to look at them all day long?:) I know I do!

    Have a great rest of the week,Carol!

    Linda C

  8. Wow, a month old already! Time goes by quickly. He looks so healthy and content. I love the pictures of the tulips on your header. Just gorgeous!

  9. He looks like a little man. So cute.

  10. Isn't it amazing being a first-time grandma? He's adorable!

  11. He is just beautiful! I can't believe he is already a month old.

  12. AWWWWW! So precious! I just want to pick up that cute little bundle and hold him. Does he still sleep with the monitor, and does it ever go off? He looks SO healthy. laurie

  13. Oh, Carol, he is just so beautiful. Oooooooo.


  14. Oh Carol we became grammy's at the same time??? Only you are one day ahead??? That is so fun!!

    Cayden's daddy was 8 lbs. 12 oz. too!!

    Thanks for the affirmation on my post. It is always scarey to post something like this, but our USA is out of control in the leadership. I do know that God can enter into any situation and that we can put our fear on Him to carry, but...sometimes you just want to takes these men by the shoulders and shake them silly!

  15. Carol, He is so.. adorable. You must be a very happy grandma!
    Hugs, Terrie
