Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Memo . . .

There are several items on the 'Monday Memo' list . . .
~ Baby Update ~
Kari's doctor told her Friday if Ethan hasn't arrived by the 20th labor would be induced on the 25th! I think he will be born before the 25th. Stay tuned for more developments & updates!
~ Kari's New Blog ~
Kari started a blog this past Friday called "Where My Treasure Is". I do believe the nesting instinct has begun! Go by & visit her @
~ A Tag ~
Ginger @ has tagged me to play the letter game.
You're supposed to list 10 things you love that begin with a letter.
She assigned me the letter . . .
These items are listed in no particular order . . .

1. Memories: I cherish memories from the past. I also love creating new memories with my family.

2. Marriage: Being married to my sweet hubby, Bob, for 33 years is a blessing.

3. Motherhood: When I gave birth to my son, Bobby, 27 years ago it changed my life forever. I love being a mom & really look forward to being a grandma!

4. Mary Engelbreit: I enjoy Mary Engelbreit's artwork. I'm sad her magazine is no longer being published.

5. Music: Music is an important part of my life. It was my main focus during high school & college. I taught music for years at the elementary school level. Music inspires me each day.

6. Mashed Potatoes: Love 'em! I don't eat them very often, mostly for Thanksgiving & Christmas dinners.

7. M & Ms: Shouldn't eat them at all, but certainly enjoy them during the holidays!

8. Moon: I love watching a full moon rise in the east.

9. Mountains: My favorite are the Teton Mountains at Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

10. Miracles: The changing seasons, a newborn baby, answered prayers, a life changed by God.

Have a marvelous Monday friends! Hope to hear from you soon!


  1. Enjoyed your M list Carol. :) Looking forward to some baby pictures!!

  2. I loved your post! Reading about the M&M's made me wanna go out and buy some! (or have Bob go out and buy some..haha)

    Oh, and thanks for letting others know about my new blog!

    Have a marvelous Monday!

  3. A very nice "M" list Carol. I'm so excited for you becoming a Nana, I have 10 :) Now, I'm going over to welcome Kari to the neighborhood.


  4. I like your M list, thanks for up date in Monday Memo's.

  5. Good morning my friend, I enjoyed your list today..can't wait to see pictures of the new baby..
    hugs ~lynne~

  6. a delightful and cool list for the letter "m"

  7. I loved your list. So interesting and inspiring. I visited your daughter-in-law's blog and she has done a beautiful job. You are blessed to have such dedicated children and what blessing they are having a little one to raise to know the Lord!

  8. Hi Carol...I know it's getting harder & harder to be patient waiting on Baby Ethan...this was fun reading about your "M" list. I'll go over and say hi to Kari...
    ;-) Bo

  9. Great "M"s! I know you must be getting so excited for the baby's arrival and I look forward to seeing the photos!

  10. Great "M" list! Unfortunately, I DO eat M&Ms all the time! I certainly did not want the M.S. magazine in place of the M.E. magazine! Are you just jumping every time the phone rings? I look forward to pictures of the new baby! laurie

  11. Hi Carol:
    You did "M"arvelous with your answers, lol.
    Does it seem like time is just going too slow? Are you a nervous wreck yet? I'm getting nervous for you.
    I am going to check out Kari's blog right now.

  12. Enjoyed reading your "M" list :-) What an exciting time awaiting baby ...looking forward to seeing baby pics soon.

  13. What a greeat M list! You have awesome things listed. I can't wait to hear when the baby comes! I pray all will go perfectly!

    Hugs, Sharon

  14. I love the letter game, and I loved your list.

  15. Lovely post...and music is my passion too :)

  16. Morning Carol, I know you are anxious to see that first grandchild. Loved all your M's, that looks like it would be fun.
    Have a blessed day.
