Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Show & Tell ~ Yearbook Collection

Several years ago I started collecting yearbooks from Oklahoma A&M & Oklahoma State University. Oklahoma A&M was renamed Oklahoma State University on May 15, 1957. I graduated from OSU in 1974. President Richard Nixon spoke at the graduation ceremony. Gosh, I can't believe it has been 35 years!!

I understand that OSU stopped publishing a yearbook several years ago because of expense issues.

I enjoy looking through the pages to get a glimpse of how life was back in the day. I have 10 books in this collection from the years '31, '40, '43, '53, '56, '61, '63, '64, '70, & '74.

I don't know why ,but for some reason the yearbook
was called 'The Redskin' for many years.

I love the art work in this 1931 edition, so chic . . .

It's fun to see the beautiful fashions . . .

and the glamorous hair styles . . .

Aren't these coeds snazzy ?

This year featured the famous Oklahoman, Will Rogers.
Interesting stories about his life are featured throughout the yearbook.

The cover of the 1956 yearbook looks like a water color painting . . .

The advertisements in the back of the books
are so entertaining . . .

Here are the yearbooks from my freshman & senior years . . .

I made it into the yearbook in 1974 . . .


  1. Hi Carol...You are one BEAUTIFUL lady and a talented singer too! I loved seeing the fashions & hairdos from days gone seems people cared more about their appearance back then...I remember ladies wearing gloves & hats to go to town & men wore hats as well... ;-) Bo

  2. Those are great! What a very cool collection.

    Have a great day!

  3. What a neat thing to collect! It's always great to remember the "good old days"!

  4. What a nice collection Carol. I like that artwork too!

  5. Hi Carol,

    Those yearbooks are really neat and you have a great collection! How cool to be a talented singer of that song!!!

  6. Carol, this is so great. I love the pictures!

  7. It's fun to look back, but it makes me want to cry for those years were happy and sad. But I cry most because I am getting so darn old. I think which can be dangerous.So the Bennie said about my thinking.

  8. Oh those yearbooks are wonderful!
    I love the '30's hairstyles and the gowns!
    What a wonderful collection!

  9. What a neat collection Carol and what a Beauty you are..I bet its fun looking at all these great books..thanks for sharing...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  10. That is so neat, Carol.
    I love the picture of you. How
    special that you are in there.
    You know my daughter and son-in-law both graduated from OSU? That's where they met.

    I remember as a young girl looking at my dad's year book. I thought the girls looked so much older than they were. I guess it was the hair. ;)

    I enjoyed this post very much. You have a very special collection.

  11. Well you sure are a beauty Carol!! And a great singer too! It is fun to look back in time!

  12. That's really cool. I would of never thought to collect year books but after you told us why you do, it just sounded like so much fun to have them. Thanks for sharing!
