Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Show & Tell ~ Fancy Dishes . . .

Well, here it is Friday again
which means it's time for
'Show & Tell" . . .

Today I'm showing my Mother's Candlewick glass that I have on display in my china hutch. When my parents were married in 1948 they received Candlewick for wedding gifts. In the picture above you see some accessory serving pieces.
Here is a bit of information about Candlewick.
~ Candlewick ~
Candlewick was made by Imperial Glass from 1936 to 1984. It was made in crystal, blue, pink, yellow, black, red, cobalt blue, green and caramel. It was made both plain and etched. There were more pieces made in Candlewick than most people can count. There were hundreds and hundreds of different shapes. The banana bowl, snack set and punch set are some of the hardest pieces to find.

Mother enjoyed using her Candlewick pieces for special occasion dinners. Through the years several pieces became cracked or broken because the glass is very fragile.

The larger stemware was used for iced tea or water.
Smaller stemware was used for desserts.

Mother would place pretty paper plates under the dinner plates to really make holiday meals special.

Relish dish,
creamer & sugar servers . . .

After looking at all of these fancy dishes
I decided it's time for me to start
using them more often!

Tomorrow's the big day for showing the LOVE!
What do you have planned?!?


  1. Cute dishes! The heart one is perfect for Valentine's!

  2. I love the dishes! How special they are. You have some wonderful heirlooms!

  3. Hi Carol...I have a friend who has Candlewick, but I didn't know it came in different colors. You have some beautiful & unusual pieces...
    My grandson is coming so my weekend will revolve around him!
    ;-) Bo

  4. I have only seen the clear. Great post and info. I am going to show my happy face to all that I come in contact with. LOL

  5. GM Carol...girl I have seen these before but did know the name of them...thanks for the information..and what a wonderful collection you have..thanks..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Hi Carol:
    I was at a little antique store last week and saw some of the candlewick glass. It's so pretty. I love your collection.
    Nothing special planned for Valentine's day here.

  7. Beautiful glass. I'm from Muncie, IN, the home of Ball jars that people used to can with. And in our surrounding area, there are glass factories, etc. I don't know why glass is so big around here.

    for Val-Day, I'm going to a wedding tomorrow. Can't beat that for romance!

  8. Those dished bring back memories. I have not seen a set like that in a long time. Thanks for sharing. Our plans for Valentines Day are simple but fun. We are going to the local mall and renting a little car stroller for Mary to have fun "driving" around. we might buy her a stuffed animal and then eat in the food court! I'll probably do a side show of our fun next week sometime and post it on my blog.

  9. I did not know these actually had a name.. what a treasure..
    Happy Valentine's Day!!
    hugs ~lynne~

  10. This is lovely.I'm so glad to know the name of it.I have been around it all my life,but never knew until today.Thank you...Ann

  11. How beautiful! Thanks for showing to us.

    I have a beautiful etched crystal bowl that my grandmother gave my mom. It has the same type of edging around the rim. It's very pretty and so special to me since they are both gone.
