Saturday, January 24, 2009

Winter Returns . . .

Winter has returned to Oklahoma!
Thursday the temperature climbed near 80!
Friday after reaching a high around 50
degrees a windy cold front roared through
in the late afternoon dropping
the temperature down into the 30s!
The wind was blowing so fiercely it blew down part
of Bobby & Kari's wooden fence.
The forecast is calling for a 60 % chance
of freezing rain or sleet on
Monday & Tuesday!
Not ice!
I want SNOW!!
Maybe the weatherman will be wrong!


  1. Oh Carol...I hope for your sake that he's wrong! Unfortunately for us here in the South, we are more likely to have an ice storm than snow and they can be so destructive! I'll keep my fingers crossed for snow! Hugs...Debbie

  2. Me to keeping fingers crossed, No ice please.

  3. Thursday was incredible wasn't it?
    I had to run errands and had the sunroof open. It was nice!

    That wind last night was fierce.

    I know we need the moisture, but I sure enjoy the sunshine. "No" to ice....snow, ok. I do hope you get one good snow this winter!
    Have a great weekend.

  4. I LOVE the music choice for today!!! Love those big bands--makes me just want to go back to those times; you know, the elegance, the manners, etc.

    Now, I beg for your expertise! I followed all the instructions, but when "enter URL" pops up I can't seem to find my way around. Did you add the address for each blog you follow, or just your own blog address? And how---by www or by http???

    Thank you so very much--stay warm.

    Also---I know you are so excited about Ethan!! I'll be watching more closely!

  5. I know what you mean. It was 80 yesterday here but we sure felt the cold front come in last night

  6. GM Carol I hope you get your snow...girl I will send you some from sunny Calif you you want...have a great weekend dear friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. Hi Carol...the wind has been howling around here too & it is brrrr cold...but as per usual in Texas, it'll be about 60 tomorrow..
    ;-) Bo

  8. I'm hoping you just get the white stuff - no ice!

  9. Brrr!! I'm just thankful that we have sun today!

  10. Oh Carol that picture in your header is gorgeous! I hope you don't get any ice! I will keep y'all in my prayers! Ice is sooo bad! Blessings,nancy

  11. Oh, Carol- You are lucky. We had a heat wave of 38 degrees yesterday. Today we are back down to 8 degrees.
    Hugs, Terrie

  12. You can have some of my snow if you want it :>) It's been so cold here. When I go to a shopping mall there are huge piles of snow in the lot every where. I haven't seen many snowmen though.
