Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Winner Is . . .

The winner of the Mary Engelbreit collection of goodies is . . .

Ashley at ! ! ! !

Ashley, please e-mail me your address so I can send your prize ASAP. My e-mail is posted on my profile.

A big thank you to the 59 old & new friends who stopped by to enter their name! I look forward to getting to know you all better!


  1. That was a fun give away and let me be the frist to congratulate Ashley.

  2. Good morning Carol...Congratulations to Ashley for winning your generous giveaway!
    Have a happy weekend, ;-) Bo

  3. Congratulations to Ashley!

    Have a great weekend, Carol.
    And, stay warm. Here we are again....75 yesterday afternoon and the temp dropped to 40 by the time the 10 o'clock news came on. Crazy! Maybe you'll get your snow one of these days.

  4. Congratulations to Ashley! What a neat prize you've won. laurie

  5. This was such a fun give-away, thank you...congratulations to Ashley...hugs, Linda

  6. Ok, ok I admit, Ashley probably DOES need these more than I--but, well, I am suppressing jealousy!! hee hee

    No really, what a great thing to do for the new year!

    I may have to do something in February!

  7. Congrats to Ashley! Hope you are having a great weekend,Carol. Blessings to you, Nancy

  8. Congradulations to Ashley. Love your Jan displays, that is a cute idea to do on by the month. Love the skiers and snowman.
