Monday, January 12, 2009

Shower Time . . .

I'm going to busy this week preparing for Ethan's baby shower we're having on Sunday, the 18th. The shower will be at our house so I've got a lot to do. Kari's mom & sister are also helping with the party. Can't believe that we only have to wait just about 6 more weeks to meet little Ethan. I'm so excited!!

I pulled out a few things that I kept from Bobby's baby days. I think they'll be nice decorating touches to sit out.

I have a few pieces of wallpaper from Bobby's nursery that I want to make something with for Ethan's room. Not sure exactly what I'll do, but I do have a few ideas. Whatever I come up with I'll display it at the shower for decorations.

Four crocheted blankets, the blue one is mine.

Here's a closeup of my blanket & baby shoes.

I love this picture of Bobby in his first pair of jeans!
I'll be showing more ideas for the shower all week long. Hope you all have a wonderful week!


  1. That is so neat that you have items of his daddy's and grandma's baby days. Can't wait to see what you do with them.


  2. I bet you are so excited. :) Don't you just feel so reminiscent? I'm looking forward to your good ideas.

  3. wow, how cool is that? I love all those things you have. The wallpaper is really special. All the things I've had from my children are now given to them. Well the twins arent--but my sons are.

  4. What a fun way to spend your week!

    Babies are such a gift.

    I love that you are paying attention to the details and the memories they represent.

  5. How exciting! And my first grandchild is also an Ethan! However my Ethan is now over 6' tall and a freshman in college. All my best wishes for a happy shower and safe delivery, I'll be watching to see more pics of shower and baby!

  6. So sweet! And extremely precious!


  7. Hi Carol...what fun days you have ahead for you...tick-tock, tick-tock...I can hear the clock ticking away the 6 weeks before Ethan arrives! ;-) Bo

  8. So excited for you.My granddaugther is having her shower the 17th.

  9. Wonderful keepsakes, and what a great idea to use them at the baby shower. They will make such great converation pieces! I can't wait to see more of your "shower" ideas. laurie

  10. Baby showers are so much fun to host, especially making the diaper cake. Have fun.

  11. I've been enjoying reading your blog tonight and love to see party ideas! I look forward to my next visit with you:-)

  12. What fun to plan a baby shower. You have some wonderful keepsakes that could be used in conjunction with the shower. I took the time to peruse your blog and must tell you that I love it!

  13. Oh you are one crafty lady. This is going to be so fun and meaningful. I can't wait to see the end result!

    Love visiting your blog. It's 70+ here in Arizona and I get just the slightest chill watching the snow fall on your blog! Thanks for a great post.

  14. Sooooo cute! Love all of these items. How special they are and you are, too!


