Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Update . . .

As the weatherman promised an
ice storm began Monday afternoon around 1:00.
Many wrecks were reported on the news.
Hubby saw several accidents on his
way home from work.
Schools have been canceled today.
The wintry weather is supposed
to end later today.

I took this picture of the tree in our
front yard last night.
All the branches were covered with ice.
If you click on the picture you
may be able to see the ice better.
Our nephew, Brian, spent the night at
our house last night.
The roads were too dangerous
for him to drive home to Okmulgee.
By the way, the chili was very tasty.
We have enough to eat until the ice starts thawing!


  1. My husband works in OKC (normal 40 min. or so commute) and it took him 2 hours to get home yesterday afternoon. He saw several wrecks too.

    I'm always so thankful when I hear that all my family is
    home safe and sound.

    I'm off work today and plan to have a lazy day!

    Stay warm and safe.

  2. wow, it sounds so cold and dangerous. I have a plate and hardware in my ankle, because of ice. I love your Chili recipe, I'll copy that and put it in my folder.


  3. You got the ice...we are going to be getting the snow! 4-8" they are predicting!
    And no I wouldn't want to trade you!
    I do have to say that the picture that you took is beautiful! As I am looking at it on your post I see these snowflakes falling, and it is gorgeous!
    I hope you keep your power...I hear on the weather channel that many are losing power.

  4. We awoke to snow falling. I was so surprised. We weren't expecting anything until later today.

    Take care...

    By the way, I love chili!!!! I'll have to try your recipe.


  5. After reading your blog yesterday we made chili. This morning we are covered with ice and the trees are cracking, the news said we will get snow to day.

  6. Carol,

    Where do you live? The majority of my relatives live in Tahlequah.

    We are cold here, sitting at 9 degrees, and yesterday our high was 16. We've had snow for 24 hours now, and have 2" of DRY DRY DRY powder on the ground.


  7. Wow, that is a great picture of your tree. Ice storms are so beautiful but so dangerous. It is great to be inside, safe and warm:)

  8. Loved the tree pic. So artistic!
    Stay safe and warm today.

  9. Stay warm. Come look at my pictures when you have time. Brrr!

  10. It's white with sleet at my house. It's very slick out there. So glad we can stay in today.

    Be safe and stay warm!

  11. Hi Carol...I do hope this ice storm is short lived...we're having a dose of it too here in DFW area...Brrrr! ;-) Bo

  12. brrrrr! I just copied your chili recipe. Sounds great, and I love things that cook in the crockpot, so that I can be accomplishing something and cooking at the same time. laurie

  13. Stay safe! And let's have a 2nd helping of chili! :)

  14. Oh my goodness! I don't like it...cold weather and ice and snow...won't leave soon enough for me!
    Stay warm and safe! Blessings, nancy

  15. Stay save and warm! We are expecting a little snow tonight.
    The chili sounds delicious!

  16. I just received a weather-alert e-mail from my old church in Mississippi that they were also expecting ice...Stay inside and stay safe!
