Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Visit To The 'Show Me State' . . .

We made a day trip to Missouri on Sunday to visit my sister, Susan, & her husband, Mike. They live a few miles from Kansas City. It was the perfect day for a drive, we left very early & returned home after 10:00 PM.

They recently built this beautiful home.
I adore that little round window.

Here's a shot of Susan & Mike on their bicycle built for two.
Today is their 26th wedding anniversary.
Happy anniversary guys!!!

This piano was in the church Susan & I grew up in.
It brings back many sweet memories.
They bought it when the church purchased a new piano.

Bobby & Kari loved the house.
Here they are enjoying a little ping pong action in the basement.

I've got to get busy today putting away the Christmas bling.

Yesterday I spent the day resting & taking cold medicine.

Time to get with it!!!!!!!!!


  1. it sure is a beautiful home! I'm glad your visit went well and I hear ya about putting away the Christmas stuff...I've done a few things but I cannot bear to put away the tree yet. I'm just lovin the soft lights.

  2. That's a beautiful home and it sure looks like they enjoy life there. What a cool bike to have. I hope your cold is starting to go away by now.


  3. Colds this time of the year are the pits. Thanks for taking us on your trip so we could meet your sister and her husband and happy 25 years to them.

  4. Glad you got to go visit Susan and Mike. Looks like they are enjoying where they live now.
    Hope your cold is better. Stay warm and don't over do yourself!
    Love you

  5. Hi Carol...your sister & B-I-L have a gorgeous home! I have one of those nasty colds too & haven't felt like un-decorating yet either.
    Take care, ;-) Bo

  6. What a beautiful home.
    That's really special that your sister was able to get the piano.
    Precious memories!

    I am so glad I got in the mood on Sun. to take all of the Christmas decorations down. I was lazy yesterday and today I'm not doing much better.

    Can you believe how nice the weather has been. I saw on the weather last night that it was 70 in Ada. Crazy...no wonder we all have colds. One day it's 35 the next it's 70!

    Have a good, prosperous day!

  7. What a pretty home!! I have good friends that ride a bicycle built for two around town. I always think it looks so romantic!!
    Hugs, Terrie

  8. Their home looks lovely. I bet you all had a wonderful time. The Christmas lights in the last post are GREAT! I LOVE it when people go all out like that...they are so much fun to look at!

  9. They do have a nice home and I love that little round window too! Feel better soon!!

  10. What a beautiful home they built. You had a wonderful day for your drive.. the winds have truly picked up this evening.. Happy Anniversary to your family members..hugs ~lynne~
