Saturday, December 20, 2008

Only 5 More Days. . .

Well friends, here we are with only 5 days until the big day! I'm so glad all my gifts are wrapped & ready. The only thing I need to do is pick up a few things for Christmas Eve snacking & Christmas Day dinner. Also, the house is clean so maybe I can just relax a little! Here's hoping!!!

It looks like Santa has already delivered some early presents!

No Bob, you can't open a gift early, you have to wait until Christmas morning! Hee-Hee!!!!


  1. Oh Carol, I'm so happy for you, I've still got a ton of things to get done. I'm one of these people that goes right up to Christmas Day.I try to control it, but I never do. LOL Enjoy your day.


  2. Those gifts are wrapped beautifully and look darling spilling out of that sleigh. Good for you having a moment or two to relax! ;-) Bo

  3. Since you are ready and I am would you like to come and help me...just kidding!

    I am happy for you!

    Now you have time to play a little game if you so desire...

    Check my blog for the fun meme.

  4. Those presents are wrapped just perfectly!

  5. It looks great. I'm just about there too. It feels good!

    Merry Christmas. :)

  6. Hi Carol...What a cute way to display your presents. I like your tags, too! ...Debbie
