Monday, December 22, 2008

Graduation Celebration. . .

We returned Sunday evening from our trip to Houston to attend the graduation of our nephew, Grant. He graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in Anthropology.

Congratulations Grant!!!!

Here are the proud parents with their son.
My brother~in~law, Howard, & my sister, Mary.

We got to meet Grant's fiance, Kate, for the first time at the graduation ceremony. They're going to be married in April.
I'll be posting more pictures from our trip later.

Since I've been away I have been reading your sweet & thoughtful comments on the posts that I had scheduled, but I haven't been able to read your blogs. I'll be catching up on blog reading today. I can't wait to see what you've been up to !!
Have a marvelous Monday friends!!


  1. Congratulations to Grant, I know you all are so proud of him.


  2. Congratulations to your nephew! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!!

  3. What a great degree to have! Congrats to your nephew!

  4. Congrats, Carol! You must be so proud!...Debbie
