Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Memories. . .

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

Christmas Eve always brings back sweet memories of the past.

It also brings the excitement of new traditions for our family.

These Norman Rockwell pictures are so wonderful.

A reminder of a simpler time . . .

childhood joy & innocence . . .

visiting grandparents . . .

Merry Christmas to you & yours!!

This is my 100th post!!!
I'll be posting a giveaway a few days after Christmas!!
Hope you'll come by to check it out!


  1. What an amazing illustrator Norman Rockwell was! His pictures are timeless. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful Christmas. laurie

  2. GM Carol, don't you just love Norman Rockwell, I do. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.


  3. Good morning Carol...The last two photos are about a new Plymouth...
    That does bring back the memories! Merry Christmas wishes, ;-) Bo

  4. Merry Christmas Eve to you!
    I am up early this morning to get things ready for tonights dinner with the family. Loved the song that went with the pics. Your blogs have inspired me so much and I am proud of your 100th post. Keep up the good work. Hope you all have a great time tonight.

  5. I bet you thought Grant sent a reply! I guess he was still logged on my computer after using it last night! How funny

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family too. I love Norman Rockwell.

  7. I have great childhood memories of Christmas.
    I love Norman Rockwell photos.
    Congratulations on your 100th post. How fun...
    a give-away!
    Merry Christmas!

  8. Good Morning Carol!! Your 100th post! You should have it in huge letters! That's quite an accomplishment! Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas, my dear friend!!...hugs...Debbie

  9. Sweet! Hope you have a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna

  10. Such classic them!
    Merry Christmas & much blessings to you & your family!

  11. I love all the Rockwell prints you've shared. He's one of my favorites! Thanks for sharing them with us and thanks for visiting my blog too!

    I hope you have a joy-filled Christmas!

  12. I loved Norman Rockwell - he showed such a beautiful image of how life can be. Merry Christmas!

  13. I love Norman Rockwell pictures...I would have fitted in so well back in those days! lol I want to wish you & yours a wonderful Merry Christmas dear friend & a Happy New Year filled with love and happiness!

  14. Merry Christmas! I think all of us think back to when we were younger dont we? For me, I dont think it was a better time...just different. I do miss some of the relatives and traditions, but I'm also finding I dont mind the newer ones--less stressful for me! Have a great Christmas day!

  15. I want to wish you and your family a blessed Christmas,
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
