Friday, November 28, 2008

Only 27 Days. . .

Whew, only 27 days until Christmas! We have never been 'Black Friday' shoppers. We'd rather spend a quiet day at home resting up from our indulgent turkey day eating spree. Today I'll put away the fall decorations & do a little Christmas decorating. Hubby & I put up our outside lights on Wednesday evening so we can check that off our list. I would like to have all Christmas decorating completed by Monday, we'll see what happens.

Time to get organized. I need to write down the Christmas gift list that's floating around in my head. I must finish sewing little E's quilt, along with some other Christmas sewing projects I have planned. I want to monogram a Christmas stocking for Ethan. Even though he won't have his 1st Christmas until next year I still want to hang a stocking for him.

Enjoy your day!


  1. I never shop on Black Friday either! It's usually my day to get out the Christmas decorations, but this year I'll be in Branson. We're leaving here in a little while. I will be shopping there today and tomorrow....hoping to find some bargains.
    I think that's so special that you're making Ethan a quilt and a stocking. When is he due?
    Oh, I can't wait to be a grandma one day! I know you're excited.
    Enjoy your Black Friday!

  2. Your day is very similar to ours. I'm going to get as much decorating done as possible while the boys are in the mood. Boys tend to think it just happens - I like for them to help!

    I have a pretty good start on my Christmas list. It feels good to at least have an idea of where I'm going with it.

  3. GM Carol, I too just got my fall decorations pack to put up in the attic. We light our outdoor lights on Thanksgiving night, so that's done. Now I have to decorate the tree at our clubhouse today, then I'll start on the inside of our house. I love decorating for Christmas.


  4. I plan to decorate also the rest of the weekend. No power shopping for me either. probably a quick run somewhere to get white lights that I need for the outside garland. Yesterday's Thanksgiving meal was probably one of my worst! We had a hard time getting it together. Will plan better next year. On to the next big event. Grant's graduation on Dec. 19th. Love you

  5. thanks for reminding me! I have yet to even make a list! have a nice relaxing day

  6. I, too, am staying home & putting up Christmas decor. Let's put on some Christmas CDs & relax!!!

    Thanks for your comments--Love having new friends in cyberland who share my beliefs!!!

    Have a fun & festive day!!

  7. Hi Carol...I usually get out with the mobs on black Friday, but not this year...thank goodness! The next 27 days are going to fly by...
    ;-) Bo

  8. Your blog header is so festive and lovely! I'll be doing the same as you - getting organized and putting out the xmas decorations at the log cabin.

  9. Hi Carol
    It's fun making quilts for grandbabies. I haven't bought one gift yet. Yikes!! I better get going!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  10. Hi Carol...No Black Friday for me either. I haven't even left the house quiet! My shopping is done but my decorating...oops!...not even started! Have a great T'giving weekend...Debbie
