Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Tradition Reveal. . .

Thank you for coming by to see the reveal of a new Thanksgiving tradition in our home. Before you scroll down to view the pictures let me explain the problem I was having this time last year when I was trying to wrap my brain around the idea of decorating for Christmas. You see, I was stressed, worn out, lacked energy & the desire to fluff my nest. I had to almost force myself to do a little decorating so there would be evidence of the Christmas season. I had always gone all out decorating for the holidays. I felt my creativity had dwindled to an almost nonexistent state. Since I retired 5 months ago I feel like I'm getting back to my old self. I thank the Lord everyday for renewed strength & spirit. This year I'm excited about decorating and making our house a home for the holidays.

I decided to set up two trees downstairs & decorate them for Thanksgiving. Of course after Thanksgiving I will decorate these trees for Christmas.

( click on pictures to view details )

This is the large tree in our piano room. I call it the 'heritage tree'. I have decorated it with fall ribbon & vintage pictures of our family. Some of the pictures are in frames that were sitting around the house, others I just pulled out of photo boxes & nestled in the branches. Next year I will have more time to choose pictures & plan for this tree. Also, next year I'll have sweet pictures of our new grandson, Ethan, to add to the tree!

This is a picture of my parents on their wedding day, October 7, 1948. The little photo is my Grandpa Ralph.

The top picture is my Dad & Uncle Jack, which I featured on a post in October. The oval frame is our engagement picture in 1975. On the bottom right is one of Bobby's senior pictures in 1999.

This is a tall skinny tree beside our fireplace in the family room. I call this our 'thankful tree'. I've decorated it with a few words & sayings to stir up thoughts about people & things to be thankful for in our lives. It also features fall ribbon & oven dried orange slices scented with cinnamon & cloves.

Here's a close up of one of the thoughtful sayings on the tree.
We're having a baked potato feast here tonight. I'll share details tomorrow.
Have a blessed day friends & family. Take time to reflect today about how good God is to you!


  1. I absolutely love this idea Carol! Now I wish I had known about this earlier.

    I'm so glad you are feeling renewed. :)

  2. Well this has to be the most clever idea yet, and the trees are already up and waiting for the next shift of decorating.I bet your family will spend a lot of time just reading and looking at those beautiful and warm trees.

    L♥ve Ya,

  3. This is great! Oh, how sweet the memories must be as you are putting all of this together. And then to have the focus of making those saying cards...you must be a wonderful person to be around these days!


    Becky K.

  4. A beautiful tradition to start! I love it all - the photos and the sayings! Well done!

  5. Hi Carol...What great ideas! And you're well on the way for your Christmas decorating, too! Thanks fro sharing...Debbie

  6. I love it! well worth the wait and the suspense....how cool is that!
    thanks for the reveal and the idea for next year!

  7. just found your blog....love the idea of Thanksgiving trees!
    What a great idea!

  8. Morning, Carol! I absolutely love these tress you have set up! What a great tradition to start!! Love love love it. Thanks for the visit to see my tablescape.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Hi Carol...What a wonderful reveal you had for us...Thank you so much for some GREAT ideas! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ♥ Bo ♥

  10. I love your "Christmas" trees dressed up for Thanksgiving! That is such a clever idea, and I love how you decorated both of them! :)I hope you have a wonderful day, and a very special Thanksgiving!

  11. Hello Carol, Oh these trees are just beautiful. What a unique idea! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. ~Melissa :)

  12. Hi - I came over from Bo's and I'm glad that I did. Thanks so much for the tip on baking potatoes. I also enjoyed viewing your trees - unique. Happy Thanksgiving.

  13. HI Carol, I love the ideas you do with your trees! Those are fantastic. Blessings, nancy
