Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wet Wednesday. . .

Even though today started out wet & dreary I know it's going to be a good day. How could it not be a good day, it's my birthday! I turn 56 today. Wow, I'm getting old! I still feel like I'm young at heart. What is it they say, 'You're as young as you feel'? I keep reminding myself of that every morning when I get out of bed. LOL!

Yesterday Bobby & Kari told us the name they have chosen for their baby. His name will be Ethan (strong, firm,steadfast) Asher (happy)! I need to get busy creating something for his nursery with his name on it. I'll have to give this some thought. Granny already loves you little Ethan! :0)

Today I'm busy doing laundry & ironing hubby's shirts. I think I'll venture out to Old Time Pottery a little later when the rain stops to spend some of my gift certificate.

Wishing you a glorious day!


  1. Happy Birthday to you....
    Happy Birthday toooo you....
    Happy Birthday dear Carol...

    Hope you have a GREAT one!! Love the baby's name!!

  2. Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day. I know you'll be busy from now until that grandson comes getting things ready for his arrival. I'll tell you that there is nothing better in the world than grandchildren.

  4. Oh, I love the name! Very cool, very strong, very prestigeous! Congratulations grandma!

    Hugs, Sharon

  5. Happy Birthday---

    How strange!! My birthday was Monday the 13th & I turned 53!!!

    No wonder we both love the fall!

    Hope your day was special.

    My nephew's name is Ethan Austin.

    My goodness! The conincidences don't stop.

  6. Happy Birthday!!! I hope cake was involved and ice cream too! That recipe looked great..I love Mexican food! Ethan, is a great name.

  7. Hi, Carol, thank you for coming by to see me so often. Happy happy birthday to you!

    Your chicken enchiladas sound like a recipe I've got that I haven't made in awhile. They are good!
