Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday Family Dinner. . .

Today we had a great time hosting a family dinner for Bobby, Kari, Branson, Kristi, Victor, & Jannette at our house. I can't believe it ,but we didn't take one single picture! I guess we were so busy preparing, serving, & visiting we forgot.
Bob has become quite the expert at smoking meat. Here's the entire menu. . .
Bob's famous smoked pork ribs, pork loin, sausage, & bologna
Corn bread salad
Baked beans
Scalloped potatoes

Coconut cake
Hope you had the chance to share a meal with someone you care for today. Here's a little saying that means a lot to us. . .
The fondest memories are made when gathered around the table.


  1. Oh YUMMY....that menu sounds delicious!! I'm glad you had such a wonderful day with your family.

  2. Wow! You are a super busy lady. You host yummy family dinners, make cute crafts, find great bargains, and decorate your home with fun fall decorations! I'm tired just typing all the incredible things you do!
    I think you get a lot more accomplished on your to do list than I do. What's your secret?
    Have a great week.
