Monday, October 13, 2008

Making Do With What You Have. . .

I am on a quest to cook more meals and eat out less. My plan is to use up what is in my pantry, freezer, & fridge. I think this could be fun, at least I'm trying to convince myself it will be! Today I'm going to take inventory of what I have & do a little menu planning.

This picture looks very much like my grandma Berger's basement pantry. She & grandpa Ralph always had a large garden & orchard. Summers were spent canning & putting up food for the winter. I especially remember canning green beans with my mom at our house. They would both make apple butter & chow chow. My grandparents had a large blackberry patch. It wasn't much fun picking the berries because of the thorns & chiggers, but it was wonderful eating blackberry cobbler!

My pantry looks similar to this picture, lots of soup, beans, & vegetables.

Years ago we had a garden, we're talking about planting a garden again this spring. No, I won't be canning, but I think it will be great having fresh vegetables to eat & share with the neighbors.

I'll keep you posted on my menu planning & cooking. I'm anxious to see how long we can restrain from eating out! :0)


  1. We seldom eat out during the week. Saturday night we always go out to eat!
    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for meals.

  2. Ohhhh can't wait to see some new recipes girl...we have tried to really cut out eating out lately...with the holidays approaching and my huge family we are always gathering around here most of the time anyway! lol Congrats on finding out that you are having a grandson..what a precious blessing! I also remember wearing huge juice cans for rollers and those ruffle scarves! lol lol Have a great week girl!

  3. We eat out once or twice a week, but it does get expensive when you add up how much you spend in a month. I need to plan my meals better instead of running to the store at the last minute to get something for supper. I look forward to seeing how you save money in the kitchen.

  4. Great idea with the pantry! We are trying to eat at home too. Truthfully, it's so much better and keeps out of the car.

    While you are at it share some of those items in your pantry that you can't live without. I'm always hoping for new ideas. :)

  5. Yes we are lazy about not cooking and just ope for going out. I remember Granny B's basement. and also her freezer with delicous corn, berries and other healthy goodies. Today she would have been referred to as a Get'Er'Done lady. I miss her and would love to talk about the good old days with her. Good luck with the cooking. I am proud of you!

  6. I love that pantry! Isn't it awesome. What a great vintage picture. Good luck with the meal organzing! It sounds like you did a great job......40 meals! That's incredible!

    xox Sharon
