Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Little Sister. . .

Happy birthday to my little sister, Susan! Susan was born when I was in the 4th grade. I remember how excited I was to come home for lunch & meet my new sister. Hope you have a special day today little sis!!! Love you!!

Today is 25% off all purchases for senior citizens at Goodwill. I guess that's a good reason to be 55 years old, LOL!! :>) Last month when I went exploring at Goodwill on 25% off day I found 5 items for less than $5.00 dollars, what fun!

Bye everyone, have a terrific Tuesday!


  1. Yes Happy BD to you Susan. Thanks goodness for Ecards! The 7th slipped up on me and I didn't get a card in the mail! Hope you have a fantastic day.
    Carol I hope you are feeling ok since the trip to the dentist yesterday.

  2. I hope your sister has a wonderful day! How neat to be able to remember the day your sister came home from the hospital! Yea for Senior discounts at GW! How fun. I have a few years to go, but that will be a good reason to be 55! Good luck!

    xox Sharon
