Friday, October 24, 2008

Cozy Quilts. . .

It's getting much cooler here in Oklahoma. If you're like me, you like to stay warm & cozy while napping, reading, or watching TV. What better way to get cozy than with a quilt? There is something so comforting about a quilt, especially antique quilts.

Here are some quilts in my upstairs linen closet just waiting to be used.

These antique quilts are really tattered, I think they look pretty in this basket in the laundry room.
I keep this antique quilt that belonged to Grandma Minnie folded on top of this chest for guests to use when they spend the night. I made the quilted kitty for Grandma many years ago. When she passed away I brought it home and gave it a place to live in the guest room.

This beautiful blue quilt was my Great-Grandma Berger's. I took it to college with me at Oklahoma State, it kept me warm in my dorm room at Willard Hall.

I even think pictures of quilts give warmth to a room. I stitched this way back in the '80s.

Another cross stitch creation by me. Wow, if I tried to do a project like this today I'd have to buy one of those fancy lighted, magnifying lamps. Maybe my eye sight is bad because of the many cross stitch projects I made for so many years, or maybe it's because of the thousands of papers I graded for 30 years under fluorescent lighting. LOL!! ;>)

This little guy lives in the guest room along with kitty.

I sewed this 8 x 10 mini quilt for Halloween many years ago when Bobby was a little guy.

Hope you have a quilt to cozy up with when the wind starts to howl!

Wishing you a fantastic Friday, until next time take care!


  1. So pretty. We only have one that Paul's great grandmother made. It's a treasure. You are lucky to have all of those. Love your cross stitching too...I'm with you, can't see to do that any more.

  2. Nit One Pearl Two So much work Ha Ha
    Have a great day Sis

  3. I absolutely LOVE quilts....they just convey warmth and coziness!! Hasn't our weather in Oklahoma been grand!!!!! Well, I think I am on the opposite end from you in OK but it has still been GRAND!!!

  4. All of them are beautiful and I agree, quilts give such a cozy feeling! Looking at your pictures, it makes me want to go make some hot cocoa, the perfect thing to drink snuggled up in a quilt.

    My favorite one was the blue one, the one from your great-grandma.

    Many sweet blessings!
