Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome Autumn Part Two. . .

I'm so excited that my son helped me set up music on my blog. Thanks Bobby for being patient with me!
Today I've posted more pictures of our house all decorated for fall. Excuse the quality of the photos, I have an old camera. I'm hoping for a new camera soon, my birthday's next month. (hint, hint!) Today is going to be another beautiful day here in Oklahoma. Hope your day is a good one!
Here is my antique kitchen cabinet that I refinished over 30 years ago.

Here is another old cabinet that was in my sister's basement 25 years ago. She didn't want it when she moved to Houston, so we took it home.

I love this antique quilt, it's perfect for this time of year.

I enjoy the picture hanging over my piano, to me it represents my sisters & me. I bought this piano the first year I taught and made $35.00 a month payments until it was paid in full.

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