Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Houston Family & Ike

My Houston family consists of my sister M, her husband H, my niece A, her husband J, & their precious daughter, my great niece, E, our nephew, G & his fiance, K. G & K had driven to Arkansas on Friday so they were out of harms way. I was so concerned about the safety of everyone who was still in Houston . I always want them to pack up & head to Oklahoma when I hear that a hurricane might be heading their way. (The "mother hen" instinct in me!) I stayed on the computer sending & receiving updates from A for quite sometime. I finally went to bed at 3:00 am, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, so I said one more prayer & fell asleep. M called Sat. morning to say they had survived & gave me details on her experience. She stayed awake all night, the 90 MPH winds howled for several hours. They live in a 3 story condo. They spent the night in their living room on the 2nd floor. They took in some water on the 3rd floor where their bedroom is & around French doors on floors 1 & 2. M & A both had trees that were uprooted. All in all she said it was a very scary experience. A & J's power came on early yesterday morning. M still doesn't have power.

To sum it up, God is good & faithful in all circumstances. I'm thankful for his protection over my loved ones.

My son, B is coming over today to give my a tutorial on getting pictures on my blog, & hopefully music! I'm excited!

Enjoy your day!

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