Monday, September 29, 2008

Blogging Friends. . .

I have had such a wonderful time meeting new friends in 'blog land'!! Here I am in northeast Oklahoma and I have read the most interesting blogs from all over the country. When I get comments on my blog I am so thrilled! Thank you for welcoming me into your corner of the world. Your ideas on decorating, cooking, & etc. are very inspiring to me. I look forward to reading & learning more from you. Have a marvelous Monday everyone!


  1. What a way to welcome me to your blog! I was just passing by, and wandered in via another blog. I wish I was sitting in your picture at the top-so peaceful! YOU have a wonderful week!

  2. Hi Carol,
    Isn't this fun!! I'm so glad you have joined in!! My friend Stacey at Puffing the Pillows says she has been checking your blog everyday!! Can't wait to see what you post next!! Cousin Cheryl

  3. I'm so glad you left me a comment so I could find your blog. I have enjoyed visiting you and will be returning.
